Here we go again
Come on down and
See the idiot right here
Too fucked to beg
And not afraid to care
What's the matter
With calamity anyway?
Get the fuck outta my face
Understand that
I can't feel anything
It isn't like I wanna sift
Through the decay
I feel like a wound
Like I got a fuckin'
Gun against my head
You live when I'm dead
One more time
Everybody hates me now
So fuck it
Blood's on my face
And my hands
And I
Don't know why
I'm not afraid to cry
But that's none of
Your business
Whose life is it? Get it?
See it? Feel it? Eat it?
Spin it around so
I can spit in its face
I wanna leave
Without a trace
'Cause I don't wanna
Die in this place
People = shit
People = shit
(Whatcha gonna do?)
People = shit
('Cause I am not
Afraid of you)
People = shit
(I'm everything
You'll never be)
People = shit
It never stops
You can't be everything
To everyone
I'm sittin' at the side of Satan
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure
I was meant to be
Overdo it
Don't tell me you blew it
Stop your bitchin' and
Fight your way through it
I'm not like you
I just fuck up
C'mon motherfucker
Everybody has to die
People = shit
People = shit
(Whatcha gonna do?)
People = shit
('Cause I am not
Afraid of you)
People = shit
(I'm everything
You'll never be)
People = shit
Come on down and
See the idiot right here
Too fucked to beg
And not afraid to care
What's the matter
With calamity anyway?
Get the fuck outta my face
Understand that
I can't feel anything
It isn't like I wanna sift
Through the decay
I feel like a wound
Like I got a fuckin'
Gun against my head
You live when I'm dead
One more time
Everybody hates me now
So fuck it
Blood's on my face
And my hands
And I
Don't know why
I'm not afraid to cry
But that's none of
Your business
Whose life is it? Get it?
See it? Feel it? Eat it?
Spin it around so
I can spit in its face
I wanna leave
Without a trace
'Cause I don't wanna
Die in this place
People = shit
People = shit
(Whatcha gonna do?)
People = shit
('Cause I am not
Afraid of you)
People = shit
(I'm everything
You'll never be)
People = shit
It never stops
You can't be everything
To everyone
I'm sittin' at the side of Satan
What do you want from me?
They never told me the failure
I was meant to be
Overdo it
Don't tell me you blew it
Stop your bitchin' and
Fight your way through it
I'm not like you
I just fuck up
C'mon motherfucker
Everybody has to die
People = shit
People = shit
(Whatcha gonna do?)
People = shit
('Cause I am not
Afraid of you)
People = shit
(I'm everything
You'll never be)
People = shit

K bene!! Svegliarsi alle 10 (anke se è troppo presto x i miei gusti!) è troppo bello, e soprattutto sapere di nn dover fare niente!!! E pensare a tutti gli sfigati k stanno studiando come delle merde, e io, cm sempre, nn faccio un cazzo!!!! HAHAH!!!! Ieri pomeriggio, x la cronaca, siamo andati a giocare a calcio, e mi sn fatto troppo male!!!!!!! E x colpa di QUALCUNO mi sn tagliato un ginocchio, e mi fa ancora male!!!!
Ma viva il ROCK'N'ROLL!!!!
2 commenti:
1) i consigli ke hai dato x come copiare sn un po stupidi infatti io do un consiglio migliore prendete un foglio ,sminuzzatelo in quadrattini di circa 5x5 cm,prendetene uno a caso (preferibilmente quello riuscito bene),e iniziate a scrivere le cose fondamentali sull'argomento,infine prendete il foglietto scritto e lo riponete nell' siete bravi a nn farvi beccare questo è la cosa migliore x copiare.cmq
intanto toffa nn mettere 2 volte i commenti!! e poi il tuo consiglio e un po' troppo banale, e cn qll prendi sl 6, o al massimo 7!! io cn questi ho preso 8 in biologia, e 8.5 in storia!
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